Book,Accommodation,Kruger National Park,Reservations

Manyeleti Game Reserve

Limpopo Province, South Africa

The fenceless borders that the Manyeleti Game Reserve shares with the Kruger, Sabi Sands and Timbavati Game Reserves, forms an integral ecological unit where all the animals roam free. The Mnisi people lived and occupied this land for many generations and in the new South Africa, they instituted a land claim for the return of their ancestral grounds. The Manyeleti Game Reserve is now managed by the Mnisi tribe, who are committed to retaining the integrity of the game reserve and unlocking the tourism potential to the benefit of the Mnisi people and surrounding communities. All the lodges within Manyeleti are privately owned and lease a concession of land within the reserve. There are 200km of gravel roads over 22,750ha. The most dominant tribe in the area is the Shangaan, and in Shangaan, 'Manyeleti' means "Place of Stars." A clear winter's night will attest to the aptness of this name, as it seems like the sky is bursting at the seams with stars. This hot area experiences summer rainfall but the rainy season is never guaranteed to bring as much rain as they would like and droughts are sometimes experienced. It is dryer here than further south and animals can often be seen at the waterholes. The winter days are normally bright and clear with cold evenings.

Manyeleti Game Reserve Lodges

Honeyguide Mantobeni Camp
Manyeleti Game Reserve

The tented camp accommodation is set among Tamboti trees on the banks of a riverbed. From the sun deck of the sparkling swimming pool, you can watch game like elephant visiting the nearby waterhole.

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Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp
Manyeleti Game Reserve

At Honeyguide Khoka Moya Camp guests have accommodation in exclusive tented-suites, offering the nature lover a close encounter with the sounds and ambience of wild Africa without sacrificing safety or comfort.

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Pungwe Bush Camp
Manyeleti Game Reserve

Pungwe Bush Camp is situated in the southern portion of the Manyeleti Game Reserve, along the Pungwe River course and is known for its exclusivity and rustic ambience.

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